Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Air Energy

This place is much different from the overgrown pine forests of the higher elevations where seeing the sky or a view is rare. Down here i can breathe and see the distance and open sky. This is oak forest. It seems the birds rule this place. I've been trying to get good pictures of all the different kinds including Hawks and Eagles but my good camera finally broke so i bought a cheap little one. It doesn't work real good, or at least i can't seem to make it work. My pics won't be like my old ones, and all these bird shots are blurry ( i tried for a month). But at least you can get idea of the Air energy that rules this place. The birds ride the thermals, cause I'm on a hill. I also saw a U2 spy plane one day, and lots of other planes.

New Scene

That Sailboat adventure was thanks to my Uranus transit, i'm making it part time now, going back to the land. I've been at this new spot in Cal for the last month. I'm getting it stated then will probably move on to next spot this fall. It's very dry here. There has been lots of fire activity near by already.